Upload Participants (Children or Adult Day Care Clients)
If you have a new site and a list of participants in an Excel spreadsheet, you can use the upload feature instead of creating each child individually.
To upload participants to My Food Program:
- Download the participant upload template from https://www.myfoodprogram.com/reports-templates/
- Copy the information from your spreadsheet into the template.
- Save the template. Be sure to save as file extension “.csv (comma delimited)”. Excel files like “.xlsx” will not work.
- Log into My Food Program and click on “Participants & Rosters” on the main dashboard.
- Click on the green “Upload Participants” button.
- Use the file explorer to locate the file with participant information and click “Open”.
- To import all participants on your spreadsheet, click the checkbox next to the word “Participant” in the upper-left corner. This will select all participants on the list.
- If any participants cannot be imported, there will be an error message on the far right corner. You can either proceed with the upload and add those participants manually or cancel the upload and fix the errors in
- the spreadsheet.
- Once you have selected all the participants you wish to import, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.
- Your participants are now entered into My Food Program. Note: the import feature creates each child in an individual household. If you wish to group children into households, you will need to use the function of changing households.