Allowed Program Types

In order to take a meal count, a sponsor, site, meal and participant all need to be eligible for the same program. The article below is about adding a program to the sponsor setup.

Explanation of Allowed Program Types

  • ARAM: At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program. This is allowed for afterschool programs and child care centers

  • CACFP Preschool & CACFP School Age: these program types are used by child care centers that are required to file separate claims for their school age and non-school age children. The opposite of using CACFP Preschool & CACFP School Age is using CACFP Standard. A child care center cannot have both CACFP Standard and either CACFP Preschool & CACFP School Age. In other words, you either:
    • Separate your claims for school age and non-school age children and use program types CACFP School Age and CACFP Preschool -OR-
    • Combine your claims for school age and non-school age children and use program type CACFP Standard

Note: A CACFP School Age claim is not the same as an At-Risk Afterschool Meals claim. Another word for a CACFP School Age claim is an Outside School Hours Care Center claim. More information from the USDA about Outside School Hours Care Center versus At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program is available here.

  • CACFP Standard: this program type is used by all family day care homes, emergency shelters and adult day care programs. It is also used by child care centers that are not required to file a separate claim for school age and non-school age children.

  • Early Head Start and Head Start: this program type is used by child care centers that operate a Head Start program.

  • Non-CACFP: this program type is available to all types of sites. This designation is used for participants that need to be recorded for attendance and meal counts but should never be included in a claim. The most common reasons for using Non-CACFP is:
    • Children or adult day care clients that provide their own meals but attendance and meal counts need to be recorded for the purposes of demonstrating compliance with licensed capacity
    • Staff members that need to be included in attendance and meal counts for the purposes of food production records.

  • SFSP: this program type is used for summer food sites

Changing Sponsor Allowed Program Types

We strongly suggest that you contact us if you are going to change your Allowed Program Types as it will have significant impacts on each of the sites under your sponsorship.

To change your Allowed Program Types:

  • Click on Sponsor Setup
  • Scroll down to Allowed Program Types
  • Select the Program Types that you want to allow and unselect those you do not
  • Click Save

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