ARAM Release Days

According to federal regulation 7 CFR 226.17a(m), meals and snacks claimed under the At-Risk Afterschool Meals (ARAM) Program must be served after the school day is over.

Therefore My Food Program will allow breakfast, AM Snack and lunch to be claimed for ARAM only on weekends or days that are designated as ARAM Release day

Users are restricted from entering a meal count for a breakfast, AM Snack or lunch for the ARAM program in one of two ways:

  • If the site is an afterschool program, they will receive an on-screen message that says "There is not an ARAM release day for this date"
  • If the site is a traditional child care center operating the ARAM, then the ARAM button will be greyed-out. The hover text over the ARAM button will say, "There is not an ARAM release day for this date"

To add ARAM release day and allow a site to claim breakfast, AM snack or lunch on a weekday:

  • Click on “Setup” from the main sponsor dashboard.
  • Click on “ARAM Release Days” button.
  • Click the blue “Add” button.
  • Complete the fields:
    • Start Date
    • End Date.
    • Site to Allow Additional Meals Snacks: you can either select all or specific sites.
  • Click “Save”.

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