Meal Order Management

This feature is for sponsors that provide food directly to their sites or are using the My Food Program meal order feature.

To find the screen for meal order management:

  1. Login as a sponsor admin to go to the main sponsor dashboard.
  2. Click on the green tab called Setup.
  3. Click on the box called Meal Order Management (1).

The screen will default to the current week.

  • Select up to 10 sites.
  • Click "Load Selected Sites".

On the first column you will see a summary of the site information including:

  • Site Name
  • Site ID
  • County
  • Driver
  • Vendor
  • Days Open
  • Meals Served
  • Meal Order Category
  • Age Range
  • Highest Allowable Count (please note that if a meal order is entered that is higher than the highest allowable, there is a pop-up box that warns you that your order exceeds the highest allowable. We still
    allow a save and just provide this warning as a courtesy.)

In the following columns you will see the meal orders for the current week shaded in yellow. These fields are editable. Sponsor users can create, edit and delete meal orders directly from this page. Above the current week’s order you will see their order from the prior week. These fields are not editable (you would need to go back to the prior week to edit that order).

If a site serves multiple types of meals (for example, both cold meals and hot meals), there will be two lines for that site.

You can jump to different sites using “Next Site” and “Previous Site” buttons or the dropdown box. If you would like to view all the meal orders for all the sites for that week, you can do so by clicking on the box called “View All” (2).

The information on the Meal Order Management is the same as the information on the Site Food Order Spreadsheet. If you want to filter and sort data you should do so using that spreadsheet.

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