Status Icons

On your main dashboard you will notice six icons in a grey bar across the top. These are quick views to show you the current status important recordkeeping and participation requirements. Items in green are in good status, those in grey are not applicable, and those in red require your attention.

Claims Status

This icon show you whether your claim has been submitted or is overdue. If you click on this icon, you will be redirected to the Check for Errors or Submit to Sponsor page.

Days Missing Meal Counts

This icon shows you how many days are missing meal counts. If you click on this icon, you will be redirected to the Menu page.

Income Forms

This icon lists out the breakdown of participant income forms that are Missing, Expired, Expiring This Month and Expiring Next Month. If you click on this icon, you will be directed to the Missing Forms Report where you can get more specific details. This icon is hidden if you are not a child care center or adult day care center.

Enrollment Forms

This icon lists out the breakdown of enrollment forms that are Missing, Expired, Expiring This Month and Expiring Next Month. If you click on this icon, you will be directed to the Missing Forms Report where you can get more specific details. If this button is greyed out that means that meals are not being disallowed for missing or expired enrollment form. This icon is hidden if you are an emergency shelter, afterschool program or summer food site.

Days Missing Menus

This icon shows you how many days are missing menus. If you click on this icon, you will be redirected to the Menu page.

Staff Needing Training

This shows you how many staff have expired Annual CACFP & Civil Rights training. 

  • The status icon does NOT take training marked as "Other" into account. In other words, if a sponsor enters staff training and the training type selected is "Other", then the dashboard button will remain RED.
  • The status icon does NOT take the number of training hours into consideration. There is no federal requirement for the number of hours of training for CACFP or SFSP participation.
  • The status icon looks at the training expiration date on Civil Rights and CACFP Required Elements training. The status icon reports the number of users that have expired training that is the type "Civil Rights and CACFP Required Elements".

If you click on this icon, you will be directed to the Staff Training Report where you can get more specific details. Sponsors have the option to hide this icon. If you do not see this icon, then your sponsor has chosen to hide it.

Video Explanation

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