Disallowed Meals Report

The Disallowed Meals Report is a primary claim report and has a list of the meals that were

  • Disallowed for a calendar month (i.e. had an error)
  • Non-Payable because it was over the claim limit. Non-payable meals do not appear until the claim is processed

This report includes the date, meal type, participant and the reason for the disallow. The report also includes the Site ID, address and phone number.

The instructions below are for running this report at the site level. If you want to run this report for multiple provider or centers at once, refer to our Sponsor Claim Summary and Disallowed Meals Report.

To run the report at the site level:

  • Click on Reports from the main site dashboard
  • Select Claims Report from the dropdown menu

Make the report selections:

  1. Claim Month
  2. Detailed or Summary
    • A Detailed version will list each meal that is disallowed
    • The Summary version will list a total count of errors for each participant
  3. Program Type
  4. Which errors to include
    • All: includes both disallowed and non-payable meals
    • Disallowed Only: just meal counts with errors
    • Non-Payable Only: just meal counts that are over the claim limit but do not have any other error

  • Click the green "Run Report" button
  • Click the blue "Download Report" hyperlink and your browser will open or download the report, depending on how you have configured the browser on your computer.

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