Claim Summary Report
This report displays all the data for a claim. It is used by sponsors to file their claim with their state agency.
A few important notes about this report:
- It cannot be run until a claim is processed
- The claim estimates will depend on the reimbursement calculation method selected in Sponsor Setup. If you have selected "Blended Per Meal" then you will not see the breakdown of Free/Reduced/Paid by meal type, just a total payable meals.
- The count of Free/Reduced/Paid or Tier I/Tier II participants will match the Participant Report and is calculated based on the FRP Classification Method selected in Sponsor Setup.
- You have the option to add on additional information:
- Adjustments from manual claim adjustments
- Expense summary (except for Family Child Care Homes)
- Milk audit summary (except for Family Child Care Homes)
- Disallowed meals summary*
*The disallowed meals summary includes only meals with errors and does not include meals that are over the claim limit or meals recorded for non-CACFP participants.
To Run the Report
- Click on Reports from the main site dashboard. This will take you to a report category selection screen.
- On the report selection screen, select the category Claims Reports
- Select the claim month and any add-ons you would like to include
- Click green "Run Report" button
- Click the Download Report hyperlink
Sample Reports