Add Multiple Enrollment Forms

We have a separate screen to make it easier to add enrollment forms for multiple children at the same time. Only sponsor users (not providers or centers) can perform this function.

  • Login as a sponsor admin user
  • Click on the green Sites tab
  • Select the Site
  • Click on Participants & Rosters from the main site dashboard
  • Click on the button called Bulk Enrollment Forms
  • At the top of the screen will be the option to add forms for multiple children if the start and end dates for the forms are the same.
    • Enter the start and end dates.
    • Select the checkbox next to the appropriate participants.
    • Click the green "Save" button on the bottom.
  • The screen shows a list of all the active, pending or incomplete participants.
  • Enter the new enrollment form start date and the new enrollment form end date
  • When you are done, click the green "Save" button and the screen will refresh and show you the new enrollment forms
  • As part of this process, adding a new enrollment form will change any participants that were in Pending status into Active status

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