Meal Count Timeframe
Please select one of the following:
- Point-of-Service: Meal counts can only be entered during meal time by users with a "Staff" or "Kitchen Staff or Infant Teacher" permission level. If you also want to restrict users with "Site Manager/Director" to point-of-service, you need to check the box in Site Details that says "Restrict all site staff meal count times"
- Day: Meal counts need to be entered by the midnight of the meal date but do not necessarily need to be during the exact meal time. This restriction applies to users with "Staff" or "Kitchen Staff or Infant Teacher" permission level. If you also want to restrict users with "Site Manager/Director" to daily meal counts, you need to check the box in Site Details that says, "Restrict all site staff meal count times"
Meal counts can never be entered before a meal has started, regardless of the choice of meal count time frame.