Sponsor Staff Hours Detail Report
The Staff Hours Detail Report collects the information entered in the Record Hours feature. It includes a breakdown of each date that a staff person worked including:
- Total hours
- Break hours
- Total worked hours
- Non-CACFP hours
- CACFP Operating hours
- CACFP Operating cost (which is CACFP operating hours x hourly rate)
- CACFP Admin hours
- CACFP Admin costs (which is CACFP admin hours x hourly rate)
- Total CACFP costs
It also captures the electronic signature of the employee and their supervisor.
To Run the Report at the Sponsor Level
- Login as a Sponsor Admin user. This will take you to the main sponsor dashboard.
- Click on the green tab for Reports. This will take you to the page to select the report category.

- From the dropdown menu of report categories, select Financial Reports

- Click on the hyperlink for the report called Sponsor Staff Hours Detail Report. This will take you to the screen to make the report selections.
- On the report selections screen:
- Select the date range.
- Select specific sites or select all sites.
- Click the green Run Report button.
- Click “Download Report” and your web browser will download the pdf into the folder you designate or open it in the browser.