Add a New Site

Before You Begin

You have the option to apply default settings to all newly-created sites. Before you add a new center, you should verify that the default configurations are correct. If you are a new customer, we have set your site configurations for you as part of your Setup Survey.

Please see our Help Center article on Manage Site Configurations for more information and instructions.

To add a center:

  • Click on “Sites” on the main sponsor dashboard.
  • Select the site type from the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner.
  • Click on the blue “Add” button to the right to bring up a blank Site Details screen.

Required Site Information

Begin by entering all the Required Site Information.

If you have your default configurations set in Manage Site Configurations then all the fields will populate except

  • Name
  • Legal Name
  • Site Identification Number
  • Address, City, ZIP

Site Programs (required)

After filling in the Required Site Information, you need to set the program type dates. This should be the first day that you want the site to be able to take a meal count.

The program types that are available depends on your sponsor settings and the site type.

Site Hours and Meal Times (required)

If you do not see detailed information about hours and meal times, be sure that the slider to Show/Hide meal times is "on" or to the right
To add a day:

  • Click on the blue + Add Hours button
  • Under "Day of Week" select the first day of the week they are open, this is usually Monday
    1. Enter the Open Time an Close Time (if it is a 24 hr program, enter the Open Time as 12:00am and the Close Time as 11:59pm)
    2. Enter the Start Time and End Time for the first meal
    3. Select the Meal Type and Shift, if using shifts
  • Repeat the steps above until all meal times are entered.

If the site serves the same meals at the same time on multiple days, click the Duplicate Day/Meals to copy from one day to the next

If you set your default configurations in Manage Site Configurations, you are done! You can scroll to the bottom and click save.

If you did not set your default configurations in Manage Site Configurations, then keep working down the page from top-to-bottom and make your selections. Each section of the Site Details has Help Center articles to guide you through.

Next Step: Create a Site User

Once you've created a new site, you will want to create a new site-level user account so that the site users can log in!

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