Deleting a Field Trip, Closure or School Release Date

If you have entered a field trip, closure, holiday or school release date in error it can be removed:

  • Click on Field Trips, Closures or School Release Dates on the main dashboard
  • If you are trying to delete a closure, holiday or field trip for a date in the past, be sure to click the button that says "include Closures/Field Trips Before Today.
  • If you are trying to delete a School Release or Summer date in the past, be sure to click the button that says "Display Dates Before Today"
  • Click on the date of the closure, holiday or field trip
  • Click the Red "Delete" button
  • Note: if you do not have a red "Delete" button that means that you do not have permission to delete that event. Please contact your sponsor or My Food Program support for assistance.

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