Add a Multiple Day Closure, Holiday or Field Trip

The “Closure/Field Trip” section of My Food Program has two purposes:

  1. Sites can provide prior notification to their sponsor of a closure or a time when the children will be away from the site at meal time. This is so that a sponsor does not attempt to conduct a review visit on a day when a meal cannot be observed.
  2. Recording a closure or holiday will prevent meals from being claimed for that meal.

Closures, Holidays and Field Trips can be recorded for a single day or a date range of multiple dates. Refer to our article on single-day closures if you will only be closed for one day.

To add a multiple day closure/holiday/field trip:

  • Click on “Field Trips, Closures or School Release Days” on the main dashboard.
  • Click the blue “Add Multiple Day” button in the upper-right corner

Complete the fields:

  • Reason Off Site (required): select either Multiple Day Holiday Closure or Multiple Day Facility Closure.
  • Description (required)
  • Start Date (required)
  • End Date (required)
  • Click “Save”.

Recorded closures/field trips will show on the menu calendar with a red X.

You will not be able to take meal counts for these meals. If you try to record a meal count you will receive the following error: “Site closure for this day and meal.”

If you record attendance and meal counts and then add the closure, those meals will be disallowed with the following error: “Meals/Snacks claimed outside of the operating days.”

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