Reviewing Expenses Entered by Centers


When expenses are entered into My Food Program, they are automatically included in the expenses and nonprofit food service reports.

If sponsors would like to review expenses, they should:

  1. Restrict centers from deleting expenses AND
  2. Require centers to enter the expenses before clicking "submit to sponsor".
  3. Check "Reviewed by Sponsor" on the expenses screen so that you can track what has been reviewed.

Here is a visual of the process: 

Detailed Explanation

This article explains how sponsors can review expenses entered by centers. If you would prefer that only sponsor staff enter expenses, you should change the sponsor setup to remove the check int the box labeled, "Allow Site-Level users to enter expenses"

Instead of having expenses entered into the system as a "draft" that requires sponsor approval, we instead place restrictions on center staff to delete, add or edit expenses after the claim month has been submitted to sponsor.

Be sure to use the checkbox "Reviewed by Sponsor"on the expenses screen so that you can track what has been reviewed.

To ensure that no expenses are deleted by center staff:

  • Click on Staff from the main site dashboard

  • Select the name of a user. Only users with the role of Site Manager/Director or Kitchen Staff or Infant Teacher can view expenses.
  • Make sure that the box that says "Allowed to delete receipts" is not checked.
  • Click Save

To ensure that expenses are entered before the center clicks Submit to Sponsor:
  • Click on Staff from the main site dashboard
  • Select the name of a user. Only users with the role of Site Manager/Director or Kitchen Staff or Infant Teacher can view expenses.
  • Make sure that the box that says "Allow Expense Entry After Submit to Sponsor" is not checked.
  • Click Save

With these two checkboxes unchecked, the center must enter expenses prior to submitting their claim for the month. 

Once the center has clicked "Submit to Sponsor" the sponsor can now add, remove and edit expenses entered by the center to ensure that documentation of nonprofit meal service is done in accordance with the sponsor management plan policies and procedures.

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