Allow the Option for Days/Hours Vary

This option can be found under Site Details.

  1. From the main dashboard, click on "Site Details"
  2. Scroll down to "Participants & Rosters Settings"
  3. Click the box for "Allow the option for days/hours vary"

Sponsors have the ability to authorize providers or centers to designate that “Days/Hours Vary” on a participant schedule.

If this box is checked for a participant, then we will skip the check that compares the days and meals for the month to the participant’s schedule. In other words, we will not generate the claim error, “Meal Served to Participant Outside of Typical Schedule”.

Once this is checked, be sure that your providers or centers go into the participant and check the box for “Days/Hours Vary” for each participant that this applies to.

  1. From the main dashboard, click on "Participants & Rosters"
  2. Scroll down and select the participant
  3. Click the option for "Days/Hours Vary"

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