Meal Served to Participant Outside of Participant Normal Schedule

How it Gets Triggered

The sponsor has set the policy that meals that are not listed on the enrollment form should be disallowed and a participant has been checked in for a meal outside of their normal schedule without either:

How to Get Details

The Disallowed Meals Report will list the participants with this error. For this error, we recommend that you run the Detailed version of the report.

What the Provider or Center Can Do

  1. Ensure that any children eating a meal not listed on their enrollment form has the box checked for "Meal Outside of Schedule" and you have provided a reason.
  2. Enter an alternate schedule for the software to use on school release or summer dates and then mark the day as a school release or summer day

What the Sponsor Can Do

  1. Change the sponsor policy so that the software doesn't require that the meal be listed on an enrollment form in order to be claimed.
  2. If the claim is already created and you want to override this error and include the meals in the claim for reimbursement, you can create a manual claim adjustment.

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