CACFP Standard Participant Program

CACFP Standard participant program is for all family child care homes, emergency shelters and adult daycare programs. It is also for child care centers that file a combined claim for their school age and non-school age children.

If your state agency requires you to calculate a claim separately for your school age children (sometimes referred to as an Outside School Hours Care Center claim) refer to our article on CACFP Preschool & CACFP School Age Participant Programs.

Adding CACFP Standard Participant Program

Children will be automatically enrolled in the CACFP Standard participant program. Children who are in the CACFP Standard participant program will have a CACFP next to their name on the attendance and meal count pages.

If your centers also operates a Head Start program or an At-Risk Afterschool Meals (ARAM) program, refer to the articles about those participant programs here:

Head Start Participant Program

ARAM Participant Program

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