Guide to Processing Claims in My Food Program

Here is an overview of the claims process in My Food Program. This article will give details on each step in this diagram.

Part 1: Providers and Centers Enter Data and Submit to Sponsor

The first part of the claims process is the responsibility of the providers or centers. They:

  1. Enter attendance and meal counts throughout the month
  2. Click "Check for Errors" to see if there are meals that will be disallowed
  3. If there are any meal errors that need to be fixed, the provider or center can modify their records.
  4. After the month is complete and all data accurately reflects the meals served, the provider or center should click "Submit to Sponsor".

Click "Submit to Sponsor" will 

  • Lock the provider or center out of any further edits and
  • Fill in the date stamp on the provider or center dashboard and
  • A date/timestamp will appear on the sponsor Claims dashboard indicating that the claim has been submitted

If a provider or center clicked "Submit to Sponsor" by mistake, you can send the claim back to them by clicking "Withdraw Meal Submission"

Part 2: Sponsor Review

After the provider or center has clicked "Submit to Sponsor" the sponsor still has an opportunity to modify the records. Typically this is the point at which a sponsor will disallow meals based on a review visit or add any enrollment forms or income forms that should be included in the claim.

After modifying any claim data, the sponsor should click "Resubmit with Sponsor Changes".

Part 3: Create Claims

Claims can be created for only one site or for all of the sites at once.

If you use claim batches you can also create claims for only one site or for all of the sites at once.

After you create claims, you can run sponsor-level claims reports.

Providers or centers can also run a site-level Claim Summary Report to see their reimbursement.

Part 4: Submit Claim Adjustment

If you need to adjust a claim after it's created, you can do that with a sponsor manual claim adjustment.

If you made a claim by mistake and need to delete it, you can do that by rolling back a claim.

Filing Your Claim with Your State Agency

To get your claim information:

  • Click on Claims
  • Click on Claims Reports

You have three options for submitting claims to your state agency:

  1. Download a file from My Food Program and upload that same file into your state agency claiming system
  2. Download a PDF from My Food Program with one page per site and type the numbers into the state agency claiming system by hand
  3. Download a spreadsheet from My Food Program and type the numbers into the state agency claiming system by hand

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