Create a Milk Audit by Day

The “Milk Audit” feature of My Food Program allows sponsors to conduct a milk audit without needing to print and compare reports.

To enter a milk audit by day:

  • Click on “Milk Audit” on the main dashboard.
  • Select the following:
    • Month/Year (required): the date for the audit.
    • Calculation Type (required):
      • Calculated from Attendance: this will take the minimum portion size for milk times the number of participants in each age range and calculate how much milk you should have used.
      • Food Production Amounts: this will take the usage amounts right from your food production records. Ensure that you have entered a food production record for each of the meals with milk so you have accurate amounts.
    • Audit Type (required):
      • Select By Day: this version gives you a running balance by day and meal of how much milk is on hand.
  • Click “Create Milk Audit” button.
  • You can "Copy closing balance from prior month to opening balance" by clicking that button.
  • You can select to see all milk types or choose specific ones from the drop-down menu on the left.
  • Under "Milk Audit Totals by Milk Type" you can see a summary of where you are at with purchases versus usage in your selected units, as well as an ending balance.
  • Under “Manual Increase”:
    • Enter Date
    • Select Reason: options include: Opening Balance, Parent-Provided or Purchased.
    • Select Fluid Milk Type.
    • Enter Amount and Units: note that the opening balance should be equal to the ending balance from the previous month.
    • Click Save.
  • Under "Manual Decrease":
    • Enter Date
    • Select Reason: options include Additional Servings or Spoilage/Waste
    • Select Fluid Milk Type.
    • Enter Amount and Units: note that the opening balance should be equal to the ending balance from the previous month.
    • Click Save.
  • Notes: enter notes for your recordkeeping.
  • Click “Save”.

Any milk purchases entered using our Expense feature will be automatically pulled into the report. Users also have the option to manually increase milk amounts to reflect an opening balance or purchase not entered in our Expense tracker. Users can manually decrease amounts if there is spoilage/waste or additional servings of milk.

After a claim is created, if any meals were disallowed as a result of a milk shortage, a summary table will be displayed summarizing the disallows. Those disallows will also be displayed on the Disallowed Meals Report.

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