Night Meals

Some states have license capacity regulation that set different capacities for "day hours" versus "night hours". To accommodate different license capacities for different meal times, we have the option to designate a meal as a night meal.

Setting up License Capacity for Night Meals

Before designating a meal as a "night meal", you will need to properly configure the license capacity checks to designate the day capacity and night capacity.

Refer to one of the following articles to configure night licensed capacity:

Designating a Meal as a Night Meal

  • Click on Site Details from the main site dashboard
  • Scroll down to "Site Hours and Meal Times"
  • Check "Is this a night meal?" for any meals for which we should use the night licensed capacity

If a meal is designated as a night meal, but there is no licensed capacity that is marked for night capacity, you will receive the error "Meal Requires that Site Meal Times be Set UP to Distinguish Day and Night Capacities"

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