"Submit to Sponsor" In Bulk

This feature is most useful for sponsors that provide meals directly to their sites and retain all the reimbursement at the sponsor level. In these cases, the sites may only be entering attendance and meal counts and will not be submitting their records for reimbursement. This feature allows the sponsor to close out the month for the site directly.

To Submit to Sponsor In Bulk:

  1. Click View/Create Claims
  2. Select the claim month/year
  3. Click the green button labeled “Submit to Sponsor”. 
  4. On the following screen you can select the site(s) for which you would like to submit to sponsor (i.e. close out the month and lock it against further edits).

You have the option to stay on this page and click “refresh” to follow the progress of the submissions. However, the tasks will be completed even if you navigate away from this screen.

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