Restrict Site-Level Users from Adding Participants (Children or Adult Day Care Clients)
Some sponsors want to verify the eligibility of a child or adult day care client before a center or provider begins taking meal counts.
Check this box if you do not want your centers or providers to be able to add participants.
Leave this box unchecked if you are allowing centers or providers to add participants to the system.
A few notes:
- As soon as a participant is added to My Food Program, a center or provider can begin taking attendance and meal counts for that participant (i.e. a participant in "pending" status without an enrollment form can be checked in for attendance and meal counts)
- Whether or not the meal counts taken for a participant in "pending" status without an enrollment form are included in a claim depends on sponsor and site policies related to enrollment forms.
- The amount of information that My Food Program will require when adding a new participant depends on the Sponsor Policy Require Parent/Guardian Name, Contact Information, Schedule and Race/Ethnicity Information for Participants