Missing or Incomplete Infant Menu
How it Gets Triggered
Site Details are configured to Error for “Missing Infant Menu Errors” and an infant was checked in for a meal and no infant menu was entered or an incomplete menu was entered.
How to Get Details
The Disallowed Meals Report will list the participants with this error. For this error, we recommend that you run the Detailed version of the report.
You can also look at the menu calendar and make sure every day has a planned infant menu and/or an infant feeding record.
What a Provider or Center Can Do
- Enter an infant menu and ensure that solid foods were on the menu if any infants participated in the meal service that were developmentally ready for solid foods.
- If the sponsor policy allows it, adjust the date on which an infant is developmentally ready for solid foods.
What a Sponsor Can Do
- Turn off meal validation entirely
- Change the policy for Infant Menu Errors
- If the claim is already created and you want to override this error and include the meals in the claim for reimbursement, you can create a manual claim adjustment.